Friday, January 24, 2014

A Published Author?????........well sorta.

You may or may not follow me on popular pic posting site, "Instagram". Yet, an unlikely request came through an unlikely avenue recently when I was approached via "Instagram" and asked to write an article for an online newsletter catered to Feminists.

Needless to say,  I was beyond flattered.

My article was published this month and I thought that I would share it with you.

Please feel free to repost and comment, in addition to visiting ladies are awesome:)

My Phenomenal Unearthing of Feminism & Self Efficacy

I discovered that I was a feminist, somewhat by accident. I can recall the moment quite vividly now as I sit in a local café typing these words. It all began on a typically humid South Florida evening. A friend and I had RSVP’d to attend a popular nightclub in Miami Beach. Although my friend had opted to dress in high heeled shoes as I usually did, that night, I chose to wear flat dress thong sandals. As we approached the “velvet ropes” of the venue, I was rather abruptly told by the doorman that I could not enter due to my footwear. I was baffled. I glanced down at my feet; nicely pedicured toes, black sandals adorned with crystals. The doorman stated that I would not be allowed entry because I was wearing flat shoes.

Although I was mildly disappointed, I remained in a jovial mood and proceeded to ask the doorman a situational question; suppose I’d recently suffered an injury that prevented me from wearing high heeled shoes?  “Then stay home” the doorman replied “you’re a woman, you should know better”. Well there went my jovial mood. After a few more unpleasant exchanges, my friend and I turned around and walked back to our parked car. I was furious. To add injury to insult, when I repeated the details of the incident to a male relative, he agreed with the doorman. Seriously?

In the weeks following, I contacted civil rights attorneys, feminists groups and city officials alike. I wanted retribution. I wanted the doorman to suffer. I wanted an end to the sexist expectation that seemed to taint the nightlife experience. However, in the end, I got nowhere. Nightclubs are considered private venues that allow public access. Therefore, they are given permission to discriminate on whatever grounds they so choose. Darn it.

As the months passed, I came to three important conclusions. First, the doorman of the nightclub is a misogynistic jerk. Second, the male relative mentioned above is a misogynistic jerk. Third, I am a feminist. I am a feminist because there are days that I do not feel like wearing make-up or flat ironing my hair. I am a feminist because I believe in “Alpha Females”. I am a feminist because I believe in a woman’s right to choose; not just what she will wear, where she works, what she buys or where she lives. I am a feminist because I am not docile, agreeable, nurturing, selfless, kind or sexy unless I want to be. I am a feminist because I love dresses & high heels but I am most comfortable in denim jeans & motorcycle boots. I am a feminist because my life goals do not rely on marriage or motherhood. I am a feminist because I am a human being before I am a woman and as a human being, I am entitled to the same freedoms, joys, sorrows, accomplishments, woes & challenges as any other human being; male or female.

It took me a while to get here. Being raised by a single mother who eventually would own her own company did nothing for my self esteem. Neither did my endless array of relationships.  I had to fight for it myself. There were times where I worried that I was not dating/wife material because I did not act like, dress like, think like or look like the women that men hang posters of or tweet about. Until one day, I decided that I would be healthier & happier if I would just be myself. And so I did. Now, I am a woman who is not afraid to swear like a sailor or giggle like a school girl when it’s appropriate. And I’ve found the courage to enjoy this journey alone, until I discover someone that is just as human.

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